About Me

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I am a man about the business of taking care of business, minding my own business and staying out of yours. I don't care what devices people use to separate themselves from others (religion, money, race, gender, class, intelligence etc.) at the end of the day you came from the earth and so shall you return. The only advice I have is try to live and love without fear.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

I need that

Support what you love,
Love what you support.
Even if you don't agreed.....it's like leaving the house without a key.
It matters not, I know you got me."

That's the support I need....

His - story

I wanna write you in my story, but wait you're already there. 

Native tongue.

Monday, February 22, 2016


     Can you think of your most embarrassing moment? I can!!!!! I'm not talking about a time when your shoe was un-tied and you almost fell or when your pants wasn't zip and you instantly became a part of a peepshow.
Think about a time were it was the most ridiculous and embarrassing thing  that you've ever seen in your life. Crazy thing is, it's happening to you. Yeah that kind of ridiculousness.
Classic entertainment.
     There are many embarrassing moments in life but this one puts the icing on the cake. I was a junior in college, first semester or second, can't remember.
      Earlier in the week I sat down with my advisor about my senior year schedule and was on track to graduate the following year. Young kid from the hood. The projects, I grew up in a dilapidated/poverty-stricken  environment, many can relate with my social economic status. Needless to say, I was super excited and really felt I'd beat the odds. 
At the time, Kanye West first album was heavy on the air waves.
      We (da bruhs) were doing things our own way. It was interest week and we hosted this event, that at the time had been something new and innovative.
     Can't recall the name so we'll just say it was a talent event. So we (da bruhs) were on stage, as the co-host, I call the next act to the stage." (So and so) come on up." This young lady introduces the joke, little did I know it was rigged for me. "....'So and so' would graduate before the Joksta!!!" Me. The crowd went wild, laughing profusely. No doubt  it was extremely funny and the funniest part of the whole thing is it was 90% true... or maybe.
     I was in school nine years, I must admit, if it was up to me I would have quit a long time ago. But, no I  wasn't quitting, so oh well.
Anyway, the one thing in my head at the time the whole audience of about three hundred people laughing, I keep thinking "they don't know me, they know nothing about my story or struggle" so I shrugged it off in my head and I believe I had the most confused and embarrassed look on my face. Lol I was really at a lost. 
      I immediately  concluded this joke was the most belittling, funny, but not so funny joke on my behalf. Still in all it was classic. Reflecting on it, I relived that moment more than once and every time I reminisce I think that along with other things that happened to fuel me to not give up "til I got that paper" as unk use to say. 
All and all, you never know good or bad what might motivate someone to do what they need to for self. To say I'll show them or tuh they think I care what they think of me......Nope! 
Inspiration comes from experience directly or indirectly.  In reading this, may it inspire you to write encouragements to others. Peace and blessings
