About Me

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I am a man about the business of taking care of business, minding my own business and staying out of yours. I don't care what devices people use to separate themselves from others (religion, money, race, gender, class, intelligence etc.) at the end of the day you came from the earth and so shall you return. The only advice I have is try to live and love without fear.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Don't I know you?"

I'm tired of people coming up to me talking that old "Don't I know you?" or "You look so familiar....." I would  understand this if this was Hollywood and paparazzi is all around you snapping pics with the people trying get a look at you but it's not. Most of the time you're just walking through Walmart or waiting for a table at a restaurant when some stranger wants to have a 5 minute conversation with you in hopes that they'll remember where they know you from. Where I live is small, but its not that small and you very well might not know half the people you see.

I can see if this exchange would end with me saying "Naw I don't think I know you....' but 9 times out of 10 it does now. People will begin to ask if I attended different schools I've never heard of, ask where I grew up at, my previous employment history. If that does not ring any bells than they'll resort to asking me if I know people from any of the places I mentioned. "You from St Louis? You know Pookie and Smoke?"

Now don't get me wrong, the attention I've received can be great sometimes but most times I feel awkward. I feel like I'm a unique human being and there is nobody out there like me but I'm constantly being accused of being or reminding someone of someone else. Do I have 101 clones running around? Am I not as different as I think I am? Or on the flip side, am I that awesome that people just want to know me? Is this how celebs feel about their personal space and privacy? I just want to go out and have a great time without being recognized sometimes. That old don't" I know you from somewhere" or you look familiar is becoming too familiar to me.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... It does feel awkward when people do this. I say they either need to be able to pin down the exact place in time they know you or just keep it moving... :)

